Kenyataan Media

Dr. Mohd Hatta will be attending the APEC SME Business Forum in Shenzhen


PUTRAJAYA 17 December 2019 – Deputy Minister of Entrepreneur Development YB Datuk Wira Dr. Mohd Hatta Md. Ramli will be attending the APEC SME Business Forum from 17 until 19 December 2019 in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China (PRC). He is expected to deliver the opening remarks together with H.E Wang Jiang Ping, Vice Minister, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, PRC.

“The theme for the APEC Business Forum 2019 is “Promoting Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Creative Development: Enjoying Cooperative, Beneficial and Shared Future”.

In his speech, YB. Deputy Minister will highlight Malaysia’s hosting of APEC in 2020 and the role which the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development (MED) will assume in promoting the development of an enabling environment, fostering capacity building for SMEs and enhancing the synergy with other APEC fora and relevant stakeholders, to encourage the development and growth of SMEs in the region. MED will be organizing the APEC SME Week which will run from 21 – 24 September 2020 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.” said MED in a statement issued today.

MED also added that Dr. Hatta will also be visiting the Bantian Huawei Campus on 17 December 2019 to tour the campus and and receive a briefing on Huawei’s cloud market development.

He is also scheduled to witness the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Agreement between the Melaka Halal Hub Sdn Bhd. with Beijing China Bee Science Technology Development Co. Ltd. (BRICAAS) and New Hope Dairy Co. Ltd. (NHD) in Kunming, PRC on 19
December 2019 respectively.

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