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Charting the course for Malaysian sustainable energy beyond 2030

Malaysia is poised to make large strides toward a sustainable destiny. Photo by Chang Duong - Unsplash

By: Prof. Ts. Dr. Manjit Singh Sidhu

As we step into the third decade of the 21st century, Malaysia reveals itself at an essential juncture in its journey toward sustainable improvement, with a particular emphasis on making sure a destiny powered via easy and renewable strength sources. The country’s dedication to deal with weather change and reduce its carbon footprint has set the stage for a transformative shift within the strength landscape. This commentary explores the trajectory of sustainable strength in Malaysia beyond 2030, examining key projects, challenges, and the capacity for a purifier, greener future.

Prof. Ts. Dr. Manjit Singh Sidhu

Malaysia, historically reliant on fossil fuels, has made considerable strides in diversifying its energy mix in recent years. The country has been a proponent of renewable energy assets, such as sun and wind energy, alongside an endured emphasis on hydroelectric and biomass energy. Despite those efforts, an enormous part of Malaysia’s power still comes from non-renewable sources, highlighting the need for accelerated action to obtain sustainability goals.

Inside the pursuit of a sustainable strength destiny, the Malaysian government has set ambitious targets mentioned in its countrywide Renewable energy coverage and motion Plan. As of 2022, the purpose is to attain 20% renewable strength inside the general electricity blend by means of 2025 and increase it in addition to 31% through 2030.

One of the cornerstones of Malaysia’s sustainable energy strategy beyond 2030 is the dominance of solar energy. The country, blessed with abundant sunlight throughout the year, has harnessed this potential by investing heavily in solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. Beyond 2030, experts predict a surge in solar installations, both in large-scale utility projects and decentralized residential applications.

Advancements in solar era, coupled with lowering expenses of sun panels, have made this renewable source more and more competitive. The authorities’ push for sun power is evident in tasks just like the Large Scale Sun (LSS) application, which pursuits to add massive solar potential to the national grid. This concerted effort positions Malaysia as a regional leader in solar energy deployment.

While solar energy takes centre stage, Malaysia is also exploring the untapped potential of wind energy. The country’s coastal areas and elevated regions present favourable conditions for harnessing wind power. Beyond 2030, we can expect increased investments in wind energy projects, contributing to a more balanced and resilient energy portfolio.

Offshore wind farms, specifically, maintain promise for Malaysia’s electricity future. These tasks no longer only faucet into stronger and greater constant offshore winds however additionally mitigate land-use conflicts associated with onshore installations.

The authorities’ support for studies and improvement in wind electricity generation is predicted to catalyse the growth of this sector inside the coming years. Malaysia’s long-standing reliance on hydroelectric strength is about to maintain beyond 2030.

The kingdom’s abundant rivers provide a steady source of smooth electricity, and the government is devoted to optimizing the potential of present hydropower plants while exploring new opportunities.

Additionally, biomass energy, derived from natural substances such as agricultural residues and palm oil waste, stays a critical thing of Malaysia’s renewable electricity blend. Beyond 2030, improvements in biomass generation and sustainable sourcing practices are predicted to beautify the efficiency and environmental credentials of this energy supply.

While the imaginative and prescient for sustainable power in Malaysia is positive, several challenges need to be addressed to make certain a continuing transition. The intermittency of renewable sources, such as solar and wind, poses a project to grid stability. Investments in strength garage technology, smart grids, and demand-side management may be essential to conquer these demanding situations and integrate renewables successfully into the present strength infrastructure.

Another essential aspect is the need for professional personnel inside the renewable strength sector. Beyond 2030, Malaysia should invest in education and training programs to build a workforce capable of driving innovation and maintaining the nation’s leadership in the regional renewable energy landscape.

The transition to sustainable electricity calls for full-size investments in infrastructure, technology, and research. Public-private partnerships, incentives, and modern financing mechanisms may be critical to attract the important finances for huge-scale renewable electricity projects. The Malaysian government’s dedication to developing an enabling surroundings for personal sector involvement will play a pivotal position in mobilizing the specified monetary sources.

Given the worldwide nature of weather change, Malaysia’s journey towards sustainable energy beyond 2030 necessitates collaboration with the international community. The exchange of understanding, technology switch, and joint research initiatives will boost up progress and help triumph over shared demanding situations. Malaysia’s energetic participation in worldwide forums and agreements displays a commitment to collaborative efforts in addressing climate change and fostering sustainable improvement.

As Malaysia charts its direction in the direction of sustainable strength past 2030, the country stands on the edge of a transformative era. The dedication to bold renewable power targets, coupled with improvements in generation and a supportive coverage surroundings, paints a promising image for a cleanser and greener future. At the same time as challenges lie beforehand, Malaysia’s determination to embody sustainability positions it as a regional chief within the pursuit of a low-carbon power landscape. With a judicious blend of solar, wind, hydro, and biomass energy, Malaysia is poised to make large strides toward an extra sustainable and resilient strength destiny.


The author is a Professor at the College of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Fellow of the British Computer Society, Chartered IT Professional, Fellow of the Malaysian Scientific Association, Senior IEEE member and Professional Technologist MBOT Malaysia. He may be reached at

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