LNA LIFE!Opinion @ My LNAPoliticsUTAMA

Removed, but not Defeated


Although most of us knew it was inevitable, the news that Khairy Jamaluddin was sacked from UMNO still leaves us with an overwhelming sense of disappointment.

You cannot help but respect him for his work ethics and contribution to the country. He is smart, resilient and has what appears to be endless energy and drive to give his best at whatever tasks thrown to him.

Yes, he speaks his mind. Yes, he has his own stand. But are these not among qualities that we want in our leaders?

Personally, my respect for him doubled watching how he remained a gentleman despite his loss at GE15. Instead of pointing fingers or going into ‘attack mode’, he accepted the result, thanked everyone for supporting him and congratulated those who won.    

Today Khairy Jamaluddin may not be in UMNO anymore or holding a position in the government, but we hope and we pray that one day he will be back, in sya Allah. After all, he is UNBOWED. UNBENT.UNBROKEN.   


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