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Malaysia at a crossroads: Navigating the ebbs and flows of foreign investment in ASEAN

By Goh Lim Thye Since its economic emergence in the early 1990s, Malaysia has been a noteworthy player in attracting Foreign Direct Investment...

AMBM @ MY LNAKajian Sosial @ My LNAPendapat @ My LNAUTAMA

Meneguh jiwa anak muda di tahun baharu bak pemuda Ashabul Kahfi

Oleh: Dr. Nur Shahidah Paad Di ambang tahun baru, generasi muda menghadapi cabaran yang menuntut ketabahan jiwa dan ketahanan mental. Pencarian identiti dan...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNAPolitics @ My LNA

Mahathir should not question the loyalty of Malaysian Indians and Chinese

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should not question the loyalty of Malaysian Indians and Chinese to this country just because they...

AMBM @ MY LNAPendapat @ My LNAPolitik @ My LNAUTAMA

Gubal Akta Penggal Tetap Parlimen Demi Agenda Reformasi & Rakyat

Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (BERSIH) berpandangan bahawa Akta Penggal Tetap Parlimen – Fixed Term Parliament Act (FTPA) adalah diperlukan untuk memastikan...

BM @ MY LNAEconomy @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishTechnology @ My LNA

PADU and digital inclusivity

By: Dr. Sayed Mohammad Reza Yamani Sayed Umar The ownership of ICT devices such as mobile (smart) phone and computer (personal computer, laptop...

BM @ MY LNAEducation @ My LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNA

The transformative power of TVET in alleviating poverty

By: Dr. Rulia Akhtar Education stands as a crucial element in addressing worldwide poverty. It is universally acknowledged as the cornerstone for the...

BM @ MY LNAEconomy @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNA

PADU: We need the answers

By: Dr. Sheila Ramalingam The launch of Malaysia’s Central Database Hub (PADU) has taken centre stage in the local news recently. The rakyat...


PADU: Lebih banyak persoalan dari jawapan

Oleh: Dr. Sheila Ramalingam Pelancaran sistem Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) mendapat banyak perhatian di berita tempatan baru-baru ini. Rakyat digalakkan untuk mendaftar dan...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNATechnology @ My LNA

Energy monitoring and visualization through digital twins in Malaysia

By: Prof. Ts. Dr. Manjit Singh Sidhu Malaysia, a rapidly progressing nation in Southeast Asia, stands at the forefront of economic growth and...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsHuman Rights @ My LNAMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNA

Israel’s crime against Israel

By: Syazwan Naim Ibrahim Pray tell, when will the Israelis put their occupation of the Holy Land to an end? The daily news...