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Strategic Framework to Produce Highly Skilled Talent – Adham Baba


11 September 2021 – Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) need to produce a talent plan focusing on development of highly skilled talent.

Minister of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Seri Adham Baba said the directional plan will serve as a guide in achieving the national agenda towards a highly skilled nation.

“MBOT now not only recognises talent but also plays a role in ensuring that our talents continue to contribute to the nation’s economic growth, especially in the post-pandemic economic recovery.

“It is important for technologist, technicians, scientists, and researchers to be key players in resource development and expertise to enhance the country’s skills, productivity and competitiveness through science and technology,” he said during MBOT Webinar Series: Special Edition ‘Accelerating Nation’s High Skilled Talent’ on 10 September.

Adham also said the mastery and capability in various skills is indispensable in order to change the mindsets in order to improve people’s skills as preparation to face the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“Our country needs the right talent in this recovery period. The industry also needs to adopt and to adapt new strategies by using new technologies to remain competitive in the global chains,” he added.

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