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Teacher Decolonizes Science And Creates A Well of Opportunity and Learning For Ft. Hall Indian Reservation Students


Palmetto Publishing Announces the Release of DANCE OF THE SALMON

Dance of the Salmon


Charleston, SC, May 23, 2024 – For educators, professors, and teachers who work with Indigenous students, a new teaching guidebook enters the market that’s half memoir/half instruction manual on  Dr. Ed Galindo’s creative science instruction method.

During his first few weeks teaching at Ft. Hall Indian Reservation, Dr. Galindo realized the Western methods of education had little value to students on the Reservation—and these bright students needed a leader to foster a love of science. As Dr. Galindo states, “To become scientists, Native American students need to recognize the importance of how science impacts their lives and how to develop a lasting interest in science.”

Enter Dr. Galindo’s idea: salmon. Specifically, a life-sustaining resource that had waned on the Reservation for years. He connected the community’s need with scientific principles and created a project for his students. This book describes Dr. Galindo and his class’s journey from desks and chairs to hands-on learning and outdoor classrooms of salmon habitats to save the endangered salmon species in their area.

Dance of the Salmon is a story about my science students on the Ft. Hall Indian Reservation … [their] curiosity, courage, and determination to help an endangered species of fish … and in the end, helping themselves,” said Dr. Galindo.

Dance of the Salmon is available for purchase online at and Barnes and