Food & BeverageLNA World

AFC2023: Advancing Food Science and Technology in ASEAN and Beyond


The 17th ASEAN Food Conference (AFC2023), one of the most prominent scientific gatherings in the Southeast Asian region, is set to take place from October 24 to 27, 2023 at the Borneo Convention Centre. With the theme “Future of Food in ASEAN: What’s Next?”, the conference aims to showcase advances and new findings in food science, technology, and services, providing the underpinning science, tools, and education necessary to support innovative solutions that strengthen the supply and trade of safe and wholesome food in the ASEAN region and beyond.

Mdm Sharidah Yusoff
Chairman of AFC 2023 Organising Committee

Early bird registration for AFC2023 has been extended until August 9, allowing participants to take advantage of specially discounted rates. To further enhance attendees’ experience, Malaysia Airlines and Firefly Airlines have partnered to offer an exclusive airline discount. The Early Bird 25% off promotion will be available from July 17 to July 31, ensuring that participants can secure their travel arrangements at an attractive price.

“We are pleased to announce the 17th ASEAN Food Conference, which promises to be a remarkable platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration within the food industry,” said Mdm. Sharidah Yusof, the organizing committee chairman. “We invite professionals, researchers, students, and stakeholders from around the world to join us in exploring the future of food in ASEAN and discovering innovative solutions to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for all.”

AFC2023 is expecting to attract participants from ASEAN countries and around the globe, including scientists, technologists, students, stakeholders from the food and related industries, as well as other interested parties. The conference boasts a distinguished lineup of esteemed international and local speakers who will deliver insightful presentations and engage in fruitful discussions.

The event will showcase diverse food industry topics like food safety, nutrition, sustainability, and more. It includes a pre-conference workshop named “Early Career Scientists Workshop” on October 24, 2023 with eminent coachers from the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), targeted for young scientists to develop leadership in the food industry and find their niche in food science research. A halal panel discussion on cultivated meat, will be discussing the trend of this novel industry in making it available to all consumers, in particular, the Muslim community, featuring renowned researchers and halal regulators from the region. Participants can look forward to gaining valuable insights into the latest research, trends, and developments in the field. For more information and registration, visit

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