Malaysia has been successfully re-elected to IMO


PUTRAJAYA 30 November 2019 – During the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council elections held on 29 November 2019, Malaysia has been successfully re-elected to the council under Category ‘C’ for the 2020-2021 term. The elections were held during the 31st Regular Session of the IMO Assembly at the IMO headquarters in London, United Kingdom.

Photo credit to Minister of Transportation office

“Malaysia has managed to secure 142 votes in total at the third highest votes among 24 other candidates in the same category. It is Malaysia’s 8th consecutive term of being elected to the body.

At the last election for 2018-2019 term, Malaysia was ranked at the 9th place with 131 votes. ” said Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in a statement issued today.

Photo credit to Minister of Transportation office

The results of International Maritime Organisation Council (under Category C) Election were Singapore (153), Malta (145), Malaysia (142), Cyprus (140), Indonesia (139), Bahamas (137), South Africa (136), Mexico (135), Chile (134), Belgium (133), Peru (132), Egypt (132), Morrocco (131), Denmark (130), Turkey (129), Thailand (127), Jamaica (125), Philippines (119), Kuwait (112), Kenya (111), Nigeria (110), Saudi Arabia (106), Poland (101) and Liberia (100). Total countries voted were 165.

This has recorded that Malaysia’s highest number of votes it has ever received since Malaysia became an IMO Council Member since 2006 and the achievement is a strong reflection of continued confidence by the maritime communities of Malaysia’s role as a council member, added MFA.

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