Social Studies @ MY LNA

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Significant, though small

By: Associate Professor Dr Roy Anthony Rogers The United Nations (UN) was established after the Second World War on 24 October 1945. The...

BM @ MY LNAEconomy @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishSocial Studies @ MY LNA

Ending poverty in Malaysia: Is it doable?

By: Datin Sri Prof. Dr. Suhaiza Hanim Dato Mohamad Zailani Ending extreme poverty and all other kinds of poverty is the most significant...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNAWomen @ My LNA

The misconception of feminism

By: Alicia Philip Feminism—A word that is so vile and obscene that it was included in a 2015 Time Magazine poll as one...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNA

What makes a leader to remain a leader?

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman A common way to answer the question “What makes a leader to remain a leader?” requires the...

HighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNA

Unity is what you make of it

By: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Nahrizul Adib Kadri Recently, after much deliberation, I finished reading Ken Mogi’s 2017 bestseller, “The Little Book of...

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Insaf is the foundation of integrity

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman Simply put, integrity is practicing honesty and adherence to moral and ethical principles and values. However, ironically,...

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Be wary of the lingering shadows of neocolonisation

By: Ts. Dr.-Ing. Zarina Itam “Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” On the morning of 31st August 1957, these enchanting words resounded through the Stadium Merdeka...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsHuman Rights, Environment & Social StudiesOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNA

Embracing positive-sum thinking

By: Associate Professor Dr. Ezlika M. Ghazali Our ancestors lived in a zero-sum world, where gains for one meant losses for another. But...