Opinion @ My LNA

LNA LIFE!Opinion @ My LNAPoliticsUTAMA

Removed, but not Defeated

Although most of us knew it was inevitable, the news that Khairy Jamaluddin was sacked from UMNO still leaves us with an overwhelming...

Opinion @ My LNA

Parliamentary democracy is the solution for our nation – Liew Chin Tong

By Liew Chin Tong Winston Churchill is attributed as saying “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” Today,...

Opinion @ My LNA

It is okay to not feel okay

We are going into a week of the MCO 3.0. Well, not a full week yet, but you know how we round up...

COVID-19 @ My LNAOpinion @ My LNA

Yeo Bee Yin: Putting Vaccination Rates Comparison into Perspectives

The question of how we are doing in term of vaccination can be a tricky one. Who do we compare ourselves to and...

Opinion @ My LNA

Now everyone started to talk about MITRA, previously SEDIC, and its contributions to our Indian community

Now everyone started to talk about MITRA, previously SEDIC, and its contributions to our Indian community. Why there should be a special allocation...

Opinion @ My LNA

George Floyd – A lesson to learn!

The death of the poor soul George Floyd is not only caused by the policeman but its a result of the racism showed...

Opinion @ My LNA

Year 2020: Charting the transition in Islamic Reformism

Today marks 100 days of the new ABIM leadership mandated during ABIM’s Annual General Meeting on 26-27 October 2019 in conjunction with the...

Opinion @ My LNA

DAP Year Of The Metal Rat Chinese New Year Message By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng

Moderation Based On Democracy, Rule Of Law, Performance and Integrity Is The Way Forward To A Malaysia That Respects And Protects The Rakyat...

Opinion @ My LNA

Let us move away from daily fixation and obsession with the transition of power

Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri in Gelang Patah on Wednesday, 22nd January 2020 Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has advised Pakatan...

Opinion @ My LNA

WHAT IS EDUCATION – A REBUTTAL TO A MISGUIDED PRIORITY (Memahami ‘pendidikan’ versi Siti Kasim by ZF Zamir in Malaysiakini published on 7 Jan 2020)

By Siti Kasim At first I wanted to ignore the above piece written by apparently the Press Secretary to the ex Education Minister,...