Opinion @ My LNA

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There will be no second Harvards, Oxfords

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman Amidst a plethora of bleak criticism, the majority of the universities in the world, if not all,...

BM @ MY LNAEconomy @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNA

Accountability of MPC is paramount

By: Dr. Azian Madun The primary mission of the central bank is to maintain price stability or a low level of inflation. The...

BM @ MY LNAHealth @ My LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNA

Be wary of their claims

By: Dr. Aufa Dahlia Bahar Patients’ demands and expectations, and the method they access dentistry, have evolved significantly in recent years. Patients seeking...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNA

Local wisdom the key to unlocking sustainability

By: Dr. Kenneth Fung Local communities often possess valuable knowledge about their environment, culture, and resources. This local knowledge can be harnessed to...

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Resolving the legal limbo of statelessness

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman The sounds and rhymes of lagu Negaraku flow a serene yet thrilled charms through the veins of...

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Let’s reverse the stunting trend

By: Dr. Romi Bhakti Hartarto The stunting issue has become a public concern in Malaysia, but there is still a lack of understanding....

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Working with the masterminds of our cities

By: Dr Yong Adilah Shamsul Harumain, TPr. Fahmi Alias Town planner holds a crucial role in influencing the present and future of towns,...

BM @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNA

Parental risk tolerance matters in shaping children’s intelligence

By: Dr. Romi Bhakti Hartarto A child’s intelligence, usually measured by cognitive abilities, is one of the outcomes of education. This intelligence is...

BM @ MY LNAMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNAScience @ My LNA

Let’s stay active at work before the time comes

By: See Lui Fang and Dr. Maisarah Hasbullah Are you hesitant to move, even though it’s just a short distance away? Well, consider...

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ABIM: The Failure of the UN Security Council to decide on a Ceasefire in Gaza is Embarrassing

By Muhammad Faisal bin Abdul Aziz The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) is closely observing the recent developments in the United Nations...