Education @ My LNA

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‘Success’ of Malaysian researchers is again under the spotlight

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman A Nature article published on 10 January 2024 referring to a study reported in Plos One in...

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Dentistry students lend their hands to underprivileged children

Dentistry students from the Malaysian Division of the Asia-Pacific Dental Students Association (APDSA) collaborated with the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya to successfully...

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The transformative power of TVET in alleviating poverty

By: Dr. Rulia Akhtar Education stands as a crucial element in addressing worldwide poverty. It is universally acknowledged as the cornerstone for the...

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Reading between the lines of retractions

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman Every year the announcement of global university rankings comes with joy and pride for Malaysian universities. Finding...

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Shouldn’t we be worried about the retractions?

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman On 12 Dec 2023, a news headline in Nature might have shocked the academic world. A new...

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Scientific fraud is more open than secret 

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman  A colleague from Europe during his recent visit here to Malaysia shared his nervousness about a student...

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Consider risk management framework for HEIs

By: Dr. Azleen Ilias Recent issues among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Malaysia include losses related to possible corruption and becoming a risk...

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Transitioning to university life shouldn’t be scary

By: Wan Afiqah Anis Wan Ahmad Social media is currently brimming with exciting photos of university graduates celebrating their convocations. If you’re a...

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Multilingualism is your superpower

By: Dr. Hanaa Naji Saleh Samaha “All of you are fortunate,” I said to them in my Language Acquisition class recently, at the...

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Let them read aloud

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman Cognitive or intellectual development is multifaceted. It starts from our childhood. From the right nutrition to engagement...