Nexus International School (Singapore) collaborates with SPARKD to bring brain fitness to a school in Asia for the first time and pioneering a...
ByE NEWSJune 27, 2023HONG KONG SAR 26 June 2023 – Singapore Management University (SMU) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) jointly organised a Global Forum...
ByE NEWSJune 26, 2023By: Dr. Abbas Mohammed Ali Al-Ghaili According to a study led by a team at Brown University, children were found to learn faster...
ByopinionJune 26, 2023By: Dr. Marzelan Salleh The annual SPM results have been announced recently, and together parents and their children are now making important choices in selecting their...
ByopinionJune 20, 2023By: Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Hazleen Aris Design thinking is an innovative problem-solving process rooted in a set of skills. The approach hasbeen...
ByopinionJune 19, 2023HONG KONG SAR 16 June 2023 – The 10th Biennial International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference hosted by Hong Kong Baptist...
ByE NEWSJune 17, 2023Laureates of Prize and hundreds of youth interacted at the University of Hong Kong, inspiring the younger generation to pursue their dreams as...
ByE NEWSJune 16, 2023By: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Nahrizul Adib Kadri I did not get straight As in my SPM 30-odd years ago. But I think...
ByopinionJune 15, 2023Outstanding students will soon participate in internships to enhance their workplace competitiveness SHANGHAI, CHINA 14 June 2023 – Today, Hang Lung Properties (SEHK...
ByE NEWSJune 14, 2023Professor Hao Shen, Department of Marketing, CUHK Business School HONG KONG SAR 13 June 2023 – COVID-19 has done much to change the purchase...
ByE NEWSJune 13, 2023