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Ianya tetap suatu kesalahan, walaupun dibenarkan syarak untuk tidak berpuasa

Oleh: Dr. Siti Aisyah Samudin Saban tahun, di bulan Ramadan penuh barakah ada sahaja paparan berita berkenaan sekumpulan individu ditangkap pihak berkuasa agama...

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Challenges towards happiness among our senior citizens

By: Assoc. Prof. TPr Dr. Goh Hong Ching 20th March witnesses the annual celebration of the International Day of Happiness. Tracing back its...

Economy @ MY LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNA

In support of neurodivergent individuals

By: Dr. Safiah Omar In our ongoing quest for a more inclusive and diverse workforce, it is important that we acknowledge and embrace...

Education @ My LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNA

Should Preschool Education be made Compulsory in Malaysia?

Making preschool education compulsory was the aspiration of the Malaysia Education Blueprint (2013-2025) to be achieved by 2020. The target remains unmet due...

Economy @ MY LNAHealth @ My LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNASocial Studies @ MY LNA

The food delivery dilemma

By: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Ghee Seong, Capt. (R) Dr. Hayati Ishak, Dr. Arilatha Arimuthu In the era of modern conveniences, the availability...

AMBM @ MY LNAPendapat @ My LNAPendidikan @ My LNASains, Teknologi & Komunikasi @ My LNAUTAMA

Adaptasi AI dalam kurikulum mengikut keperluan semasa

Oleh: Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Siti Hajar Halili Kecerdasan Buatan atau Kepintaran Buatan (AI) dalam pendidikan perlu disesuaikan dengan kandungan pendidikan semasa, memberi...

HighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNAScience @ My LNA

Of dinosaur’s pee and wonders around us

By: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Nahrizul Adib Kadri It rained again last night, and as the rain tapped gently on my bedroom window,...

Healthcare @ My LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishOpinion @ My LNA

Put your money where the mouth is

By: Dr Cheah Chia Wei World Oral Health Day is celebrated on 20th March every year. This year’s celebration centered around the theme...

AMBM @ MY LNAKajian Sosial @ My LNAPendapat @ My LNAUTAMA

Ramadan sumber kekuatan doa untuk Palestin yang sedang menangis

Oleh: Dr. Mohd. Shahid Mohd. Noh Dunia Islam sedang menyambut kehadiran Ramadan, bulan suci yang dipenuhi dengan pelbagai kemuliaan. Persiapan menghadapi bulan yang...

Current Issue @ My LNAHighlightsMy LNA EnglishSocial Studies @ MY LNA

No one has any right to offend others’ religion

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tariqur Rahman The world has witnessed episodes of burning the Noble Quran, making caricatures of Prophet Mohammad, and above...