IPOH, 28 Januari 2023 – Kementerian Pembangunan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) melalui agensinya, Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia (PR1MA) terus komited memperkasakan pemilikan rumah mampu milik...
ByE NEWSJanuary 28, 2023KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Januari 2023- Exco Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia dan Lembah Pantai Datuk Muhamad Muqharabbin Mokhtarrudin melepaskan jawatan yang beliau berkuat kuasa...
ByE NEWSJanuary 28, 2023VinBrain will collaborate with Microsoft in data sharing, product cross-validation, and product research & development. VinBrain is the first Vietnamese customer to sign...
ByE NEWSJanuary 26, 2023beIN SPORTS will become home to world-class motorsport broadcasting the Formula One World Championship to Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Philippines,...
ByE NEWSJanuary 26, 2023SINGAPORE 26 January 2023 – Bondee, a social media app, officially launched on the App Store. Within a few days of its release,...
ByE NEWSJanuary 26, 2023Singapore’s Minister for Communications and Information Mrs Josephine Teo officiated the launch of Temus’ Step IT Up programme, supported by Infocomm Media Development...
ByE NEWSJanuary 26, 2023MACAU and HONG KONG SAR 26 January 2023 – Prudential plc (Prudential) today announced it has received approval from the Macau Special Administrative...
ByE NEWSJanuary 26, 202342% increase over same period last year Record Day 3 and Day 4 Chinese New Year Box Office SHANGHAI, CHINA 26 January 2023...
ByE NEWSJanuary 26, 2023SINGAPORE 25 January 2023 – Metadream, a Singapore-based tech startup, recently launched Bondee, a next-gen social app, in Asia. Many have downloaded the...
ByE NEWSJanuary 25, 2023~ Discover kaleidoscopic collections of precious gems and breathtakingly-designed fine jewellery in newly opened flagship boutique at ION Orchard ~ SINGAPORE, 25 January...
ByE NEWSJanuary 25, 2023