The Corporate Innovation Index (CII) is funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR and developed by the APIB, the executive education arm of CUHK Business School, with the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce as a strategic partner. The index aims to develop a Corporate Innovation framework and measurement instruments to assess the overall innovation spirit and culture of Hong Kong corporates, as well as to measure the innovation capabilities and achievements of individual Hong Kong corporates, thereby recognising outstanding enterprises. The APIB invited 100 corporations and 200 SMEs to participate in the survey. Through assessing corporate performance in innovation leadership, business performance, and business model optimization, top-ranked achievers are selected to participate in the CII as constituent companies, while SMEs are rated on a scale of one to three stars.
Bill Deng, Founder and CEO of XTransfer, stated, “We are honoured to be selected as a constituent company of the Corporate Innovation Index (CII) 2024. We fully support APIB in promoting and enhancing innovation among businesses in Hong Kong. Being included in the index is a significant affirmation for XTransfer. We remain committed to our mission by leveraging innovative technology to provide secure and convenient cross-border financial services for SMEs in Hong Kong and worldwide, helping them reduce barriers and costs when expanding globally.”