Kenyataan Media

Conservative Christians freak out over cute ad featuring a lesbian couple

Photo: YouTube screenshot

By Daniel Villarreal LGBTQ Nation

The anti-LGBTQ+ organization One Million Moms (OMM) has condemned a new 30-second advertisement from the online dating site eHarmony for, they claim, trying to “normalize and glamorize the LGBTQ lifestyle.”

In the ad, a mixed-race lesbian couple, including a woman with a shaved head, hold one another on their apartment couch while watching their washing machine and dryer. After the dryer chimes, the shaved-head woman jumps into bed while her partner removes clothes from the dryer

The partner then brings a laundry basket full of fresh and warm clothes over to the bed and empties the clothes onto the shaved-head woman’s body, covering her with their warmth. The partner kisses the now-covered woman on the forehead, and text appears on the screen, reading, “Get who gets you.”

“This eHarmony ad is an attempt to brainwash children and adults by desensitizing them and convincing them that homosexuality is natural. In reality, it is an unnatural love that is warned about in Scripture,” OMM wrote. Despite the group’s claim, homosexuality is completely natural, being found in humans and other animal species throughout history.

“One Million Moms will continue to stand up for biblical truth,” the group continues. “Homosexuality is unnatural and immoral.”

The group then mentions Romans 1:26-27, a New Testament Bible verse that says, “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.”

Although anti-LGBTQ+ Christians cite the above verse as “proof” of homosexuality being “unnatural,” others say that the verse condemns lust rather than sexual orientation.

OMM — an offshoot of the anti-LGBTQ+ American Family Association — then encourages its followers to sign a petition telling eHarmony to pull its inclusive ad immediately.

“I am not buying into your social agenda that pushes the gay lifestyle,” the petition reads. “I disagree with the LGBTQ agenda you are forcing on families and children.”

The petition says that “children are likely to be watching television” and may see the ad. OMM claims that over 10,000 people have signed the petition so far.

OMM, which only has 108,000 social media followers on Facebook and X, has a habit of throwing a fit anytime any company anywhere publicly acknowledges the existence of queer people.

Their past moral outrage has been directed at Parents magazine for featuring a same-sex couple, an anti-smoking ad that mentioned erectile dysfunctionHighlights magazine for acknowledging gay people, Scholastic books for featuring LGBTQ-inclusive children’s books, the Roseanne reboot for featuring a non-binary child, a Disney cartoon series for its brief scene of two men kissing, a Zales jewelry commercial for featuring a lesbian couple, the fairy tale drama series Once Upon a Time for showing a lesbian kiss, a 30-second TV ad for featuring an affectionate male same-sex couple, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for featuring trans and nonbinary performers.

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