Politik @ My LNA

When will the teachers get their vaccines as KJ promised in March that they would be prioritised in phase 2? And if the delay is because Malaysia does not receive the vaccines we targeted in May? – Teo Nie Ching


Coordinating Minister for the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme Khairy Jamaluddin announced on March 25 on his twitter that apart from certain economic sectors, all teachers would be prioritised in phase 2 of the immunisation programme.

2 months since the announcement, we demand to know how many teachers are vaccinated as I have received many complaints from the teachers that they are still waiting for their vaccine.

As a matter of fact, teachers are not the only professions who are still waiting for their vaccine. Even though being promised that they would be given priority in phase 2 in April[1], journalists until today have yet to receive their vaccine too.

According to the announcement made by JKJAV, Malaysia should receive at least 4 million doses of vaccine in May.

However, the Minister of Health announced on May 6 that Malaysia would be receiving 3.52 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine from three vaccine suppliers namely Pfizer BioNtech, Sinovac and AstraZeneca in May.[2]

The question is, how much vaccine did we actually receive in May? Despite being asked by many parties, we do not seem to know how much vaccine we currently possess.

A quick search and adding the figures announced in several announcements seem to suggest that we only receive around 2.1 million doses of vaccine in May. Far from what JKJAV projected or what the Minister of Health announced earlier.


1.     https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2021/05/03/khairy-malaysia-getting-258570-more-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-shots/1971295

2.     https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/05/10/khairy-m039sia-to-receive-875000-doses-of-pfizer-astrazeneca-vaccines-from-may-19-to-june-1

3.     https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2021/05/692061/malaysia-receives-another-batch-astrazeneca-coronavac-vaccines

4.     https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/malaysia-receives-106-million-more-doses-covid19-vaccine

Malaysians deserve to know how many vaccines we currently possess, and if we have received the amount of vaccine that we are expecting. At the same time, the teachers, together with journalists and other Malaysians, also deserve to know when they will get their vaccines.

Teo Nie Ching

Kulai Member of Parliament

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